Welcome to our website

MYPacademy is a website created by graduated MYP students to help current MYP students to prepare for their final E-assessments. The creators of this website, all achieved 50 points or above in their final MYP score. The resources given from this website are hand-written by the creators and have been carefully fact-checked to ensure the validity of the website.

Exploring the Benefits

We acknowledge the fact that MYP students have limited material and resources to help guide them in achieving their desired MYP scores. Compared to the GCSE curriculm and others, the MYP board does not have as much support which can be stressful considering the extensive deadlines and exam pressures on students. As a result, we have decided to provide this website as a haven of information for MYP students to vent to.

The creators of MYPacademy have given a lot of thought, effort, and dedication to the notes provided on this website along with the other support material present on this website. We simply wish to provide aid to MYP students who wish to acquire extra help outside of school and we use resources and materials that are publicly available, besides the hand-written notes provided which were consensually posted on this website by their creators.