MYP Talks is a dynamic collective comprised of dedicated and ambitious individuals driven by a singular mission: to empower students worldwide in their pursuit of International Baccalaureate (IB) Middle Years Program (MYP) certificates. Our team boasts a diverse array of talents and experiences, with many members having honed their skills at the prestigious #1 ranked IB school in our country. Each member of our group has not only achieved their MYP certificates but has also successfully navigated the rigorous E-assessments, giving us firsthand insight into the challenges and triumphs of the MYP journey. What sets MYPacademy apart is our commitment to excellence in every aspect of our work. Our team comprises specialists in various academic fields, ensuring that the resources and notes we provide are of the highest quality. Whether it's mathematics, sciences, or the arts, our members bring expertise and passion to every project, guaranteeing comprehensive and insightful guidance for MYP students worldwide. At MYPacademy, we understand the importance of accessible and reliable support in the MYP experience. Through our collective knowledge, dedication, and shared experiences, we strive to make a positive impact on the academic journey of students everywhere, guiding them towards success in their MYP endeavors.
Aditya Prakash
Devaditya tuteja
Aryan Pradhan
Krish Kadamb
Adithya Nishant